Anchored International is a Christian disciple-making ministry
We teach evangelism classes and evangelise using the chronological approach to the Bible, to non-Christians and those who want an introduction to the God of the Bible and His overall message to mankind.
We teach discipleship classes and disciple with the chronological approach to Christians who want to have a deeper relationship with their God and to know Him and His Word better.
We write and create Bible study materials for evangelism and discipleship.
We train Christian ministries and churches in evangelism and discipleship by conducting seminars in various countries. We also assist by advising, planning and developing evangelism and discipleship strategies they can implement.
We personally journey with others such as non-Christians in their areas of need as well as with fellow Christians on their road to spiritual growth.
We teach evangelism classes
The Holy Bible starts by describing how Yahweh, the God of the universe, created the world and mankind. Yahweh had a close personal relationship with the first man and woman and His plan was to have a personal relationship with every single one of their descendants.
However, this relationship was broken in the Garden of Eden. And since that day, mankind has been separated from Him.
Today, many people do not know that there is a Creator-God who made them, loves them and wants them. And they do not know that Yahweh has made a way for them to regain what was lost in the Garden of Eden. They do not know that they can have an intimate relationship with the Creator-God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Many have no idea that Yahweh left a message for them in the pages of the Bible.
We introduce people to the Bible. And then, from the first to the last book of the Bible, we take them through a chronological Bible overview, sharing Yahweh’s main message to them.
We introduce them to our Heavenly Father and together, we learn about His character and personality. We see how great and powerful He is and learn what His standards are. We learn what sin is. We look at its terrible and eternal consequences. We learn who mankind’s real enemy is, and how he tries to keep all people from God. We learn God’s intended purpose for us and how each person fits into God’s unfolding plan for the world. We see how God intends to end world and human history.
Through this journey, through seeing ordinary people like ourselves encountering an extraordinary God, we will learn about His heart for us personally.
With that, people can then decide if they want to trust Yahweh and engage in a relationship with Him through faith in Christ.
Our introductory class is called Come and See. It is conducted live and online year-round.
Thank you for teaching us so patiently through Come and See. I truly enjoyed every session and learnt a lot from it. I never really thought much about the events in the Bible, but Come and See really taught me a lot and helped me understand a lot of things better. I really got to know more about God's character and got a clearer picture of what will happen to the world in the future!
— Nat
Learn more about Come and See or register for a class.
We teach discipleship classes
As Christians, some of us are familiar with the Bible stories but they are isolated in our minds. We’re not quite sure how one Bible story connects to the others or to the rest of the Bible. Others among us know certain parts of the Bible well, but have never studied the Bible from cover to cover. We don’t actually know the whole message of the Bible. It’s like knowing episode 4 and 10 of a 24-part drama production very well, but never having ever watched episodes 1 through 24 to get the full story.
In studying the Bible chronologically, we see the accounts of God interacting with mankind and through the different historical events, we learn more about the Person and heart of God.
For example, many Christians know the account of Jonah. They know how God had told him to go to the wicked people of Nineveh to tell them to repent and be saved from their sin. They know that Jonah refused and was swallowed by a big fish. But this account is actually not so much about Jonah than it is about the heart of our Heavenly Father towards those who don’t know Him.
This is what Jonah said to Yahweh.
Jonah 4:2
So he complained to the LORD about it: “Didn’t I say before I left home that you would do this, LORD? That is why I ran away to Tarshish! I knew that you are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. You are eager to turn back from destroying people.
It is through the events in the Bible that the heart of God is revealed.
Do we as Christians, enjoy intimate fellowship with our infinite personal Creator? Do we know His history and track record well? Do we understand the truths He intentionally revealed about Himself through carefully curated accounts in the Bible?
We journey with fellow brothers- and sisters-in-Christ through our extensive chronological discipleship program called Interlocked.
Interlocked is a Bible study integrating the Genesis-to-Revelation narrative, doctrine and apologetics for believers to live as thriving disciples of Christ.
The lessons cover the major events from Genesis to Revelation and tie them all together as a single narrative, showing God’s sovereignty and plan for world history.
As we go through biblical history, we study the truths of each major event. We see that the truths interlock to build a comprehensive biblical framework to understand God’s character and the world from His perspective.
In each lesson, we also examine hard questions that often challenge or even shipwreck a believer’s faith. We learn how to use the biblical framework of truth to respond to the non-biblical worldview so believers can stay grounded in their faith.
Interlocked is conducted live and online year-round.
Though I have studied the Bible in many different ways throughout the years, I was missing a continuity of knowledge that Interlocked afforded. Also, and pleasantly surprisingly, many previously unrelated premises began to gel and help me the understand the character of Yahweh. But, above all this intellectual clarity, I have most appreciated the "reason" for striving toward this knowledge. It is the love of Christ and how we should love His body and the unsaved. Anyone can become well-read on the Bible or any subject, but Interlocked has stressed that the Bible's purpose is to get to know the character of our God and therefore the purpose for my life. The teaching has changed how I read the Bible, pray and meditate. I looked forward with child-like excitement to each class and I hope I can honour the hours you dedicated to us and continue to grow and give.
— Shelly
One of the starkest lessons is that there are basically only two worldviews: the one that God gives in Scripture and the pagan worldview that originates with the enemy and is actively opposed to God: there is in fact no neutral zone.
It has been eye-opening to learn how fallen our human minds are so that even our most well-intentioned thoughts are far far off the mark from real Truth, so easily are we deceived, not to mention how depraved human minds get when we knowingly oppose God. Even all the “neutral”, “scientific” “facts” we have been taught in school turn out to be neither factual nor neutral.
This means… that the “renewing of [y]our minds” is critical, not just in the sense of how we view spiritual things but how we view all things, all topics, all ideas, all statements! It means that apart from hanging on to the Bible (the only revealed Word of God), there is no other safe ground to base our thinking – about all things.
This is a fundamental shift for me, to now understand that the Bible is The Truth to be taken plainly and literally, and trustworthy for all things and not just “spiritual” matters. (It is also deeply settling to know that God really means all that He has said and He can be plainly understood and that it is not for us to figure out what He “actually” means for He is fully capable of explaining Himself.)
Interlocked has helped me realize that God has a reason for putting the Bible together just the way He has and it needs to be read in order and as a whole and not just dipped into randomly and then “interpreted” to fit one’s perceived need. It has made me want to read more carefully and teach more carefully, to find out what God Himself is saying rather than to “hear” what I want.
— Lynn
Learn more about Interlocked or register for a course.
We primarily use Come and See and Interlocked in evangelism and discipleship respectively. However, we do also use other chronological curricula when they are better suited to the needs and learning styles of the individual or the class. Contact us if you’d like to learn about these other curricula.
We write and create Bible study materials.
In the course of conducting evangelism and discipleship classes and partnering with different Christian ministries, as we encounter areas where specific Bible material would be helpful, the team writes and creates Bible studies that can be used and shared.
We help Christian ministries and churches in evangelism and discipleship.
Our team serves the Christian community by helping others use creative means to build biblical foundations for everyone: from young to old, from unsaved to becoming a disciple, and from being a disciple to becoming a disciple maker. And we help ministries develop foundational Bible teaching strategies to suit unique worldviews, languages, and demographics. Here are some of the ways we do this:
We conduct seminars for churches and ministries who are interested in learning how to conduct evangelism and discipleship programs. We support these churches through consultations, discussions and visits as they start and carry out these programs.
We accept invitations to share at conferences on topics such as evangelism and discipleship and chronological teaching.
We partner with ministries who are keen on using Interlocked and Come and See in other languages. We provide support as they translate and then launch these teaching materials in the different ministry fields where they serve.
We support individuals who use Interlocked and Come and See in their own personal evangelism and discipleship effort. These include people who are teaching their own families and loved ones; small group leaders as well as Sunday school teachers and other Christian ministry staff.
We’d love to discuss how we can help you or your ministry.
We personally journey with others.
An important part of ministering in evangelism and discipleship is engaging personally with individuals whom God brings to our lives.
We “walk life”, meaning we engage with fellow Christians in their spiritual growth journeys. Sometimes, this involves mentoring and one-on-one Bible study for a season of time. Other times, we come alongside those needing specific encouragement and practical support.
We also intentionally engage personally with non-Christians who have questions about life but are not yet ready or willing to more formally explore God and the Bible. In these cases, we spend time engaging with them at the level that they are comfortable with until they are ready to investigate the Bible.
I work in a job where I see the worst of humanity. For years, I didn't believe there was anything good about mankind and life. Then one day, my wife told me that she had become a Christian. And she wanted me to attend her baptism. I wanted to know what had happened to her! So I went to speak to Abi, who had taught her the Bible. I wanted to know what this was all about. But I was not ready to step into any church and be among all these “happy” people.
For six months, Abi hiked and walked with me and each time, he answered more of my questions. Finally, I was ready to study the Bible with him. He shared with me such good news from God’s Word! After many weeks of learning from the Bible and many more hikes, I put my faith in Christ for salvation. Abi is the most important person in my life. He took the time to come to where I was and to be with me until I was ready to listen to the words of God. I am saved today because he took the time to do that, to introduce me to God.
— Artur
Our Team
Our team has a lot of experience in leading people to Christ and discipling them, primarily using chronological Bible teaching.
We focus on reaching out to people locally, and we help other ministries in our region and around the world as we are able, by sharing what we have learned.
Feel free to contact us anytime. We would love to get to know you.