Chronological Bible Resources

Over the years, we have collected effective chronological Bible teaching resources from different missionaries, Bible teachers and pastors who have ministered all around the world.

They have taught in a whole variety of settings: in cities and in the country, to urban, rural and tribal peoples, in seminars, classrooms and at home. They have reached people at different stages of life, the young and old, those with different languages and worldviews as well as those with specific needs, such as the deaf and the illiterate. Some of them focused more on evangelism, while others, on discipling Christians.

Many of these Bible teachers had written their own curriculum, specifically tailored for the people that they were trying to reach. Each of these resources had been effective among the people they had been ministering to.

The common feature among the resources are that they are chronological. They start from Genesis and go on, following the Bible’s unfolding narrative to teach about God and His message for mankind.

Some of the Bible teachers are now in heaven while others are still ministering. For some, their curriculum, while effective, have not been shared widely among other Bible teachers. Some curricula look professional and have been professionally packaged. Others had been developed on the Bible teacher’s own typewriter or computer and do not look as polished.

Nevertheless, we have on our hearts to share this growing collection of chronological material with believers who might have use for them. It is our prayer that among these, you might find one or two that would be of help to you, among to people you are wanting to reach. Perhaps it would be as effective for you as it had been for those who wrote them.

Browse the collection of chronological material using the headings below. This will lead you to a summary of each resource as well as where you can get ahold of them.

  • English

    English Learners




  • One session

    Short series

    Long series

  • Live Presentation

    Audio-visual / Multimedia


    Chapter Book

    Lesson notes

  • See all the resources